Overcoming His Fears

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Álvaro and his wife Cindy created a cereal they branded as “CEREALITTO”. It is made with corn, cocoa, soy, cinnamon, and other nutritious ingredients to support a healthy diet. With the support of their mentors, they have developed their business plan and are ready to launch.

Alvaro is taking advantage of every opportunity to participate in business fairs or events where he can showcase his new product. Alvaro is a great example for young entrepreneurs and for the rest of their mentored peers.

Since they started working with Mentors International they have tripled their business income.

“My mentors helped me overcome my fears of starting a new business. Because I Mentors International I was able to develop a better logo, persevere in entrepreneurship, become known by more people, and bring more order and control to by business and personal finances.”

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