International Day of Families

Today is the International Day of Families. We asked some of the individuals we serve with what “family” means to them.

“Family, that’s a strong word. For me, it means to feel secure, to have someone who you can count on, who shares your problems. But it also means to have respect for each other and responsibility.

“Family is a really important word. I think it is a word we use about people we love.”

“It does not matter if they are your blood relatives; if they have been there for you all their life, and will be there for you unconditionally for the rest of your life, then they are your family!”

“My MENTOR has become part of my family. They care for us and want us to achieve success.”

“I think first education begins in the family. If a child doesn’t learn anything in their family, I think they can’t be successful. We must be careful about our families. They are the crown of our heads.”

Let us know family means for you.

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