“I am super grateful for the enlightening knowledge I received. For the ways, my mentors and teachers shared their knowledge with me. I am now able to expand my vision and open my heart to new opportunities. I am infinitely grateful for what they do for us.” – Amador from Peru
Before Amado received training from Mentors International he shared with us his discouragement. He had very little desire to progress and achieve goals. He did not have a permanent job. He used to go out daily trying to find temporary work. He barely earned any money through this work.
Amado completed the Mentoring and Leadership course taught by Mentors International.
Only after a few classes, Amado started making improvements in his life. Amado said: “I feel that now I am opening my eyes to see the opportunities that were always there, but for some reason, I didn’t see them before. One of the habits I have developed is saving”. (pictured above)
Amado started a business selling household cleaning products, generating new income during the pandemic shutdowns in Peru. He has been able to provide for his family.
Amado also completed our Keystone course which he called the personal transformation that he greatly needed. Keystone is a personal development course that helps individuals change the way they think. It helps them believe in themselves while developing their own personal creed.
His enthusiasm and desire to progress are helping him achieve important life goals. Over time his self-esteem has improved and he is developing greater love for others.
This brave student is serving others regardless of the pandemic. Day after day he goes out to help families who do not have money to eat, those families who are forgotten and without hope. Amado has been distributing food baskets, cleaning packs, and cleaning homes for the elderly. He is very grateful for the service teachings received from Mentors International.
Even though he does not have money to give, he donates his time and is always willing to serve his community, his service has benefited more than 200 families in Alto. Trujillo.