A New Job for Blanca

Before meeting Mentors International, Blanca was unemployed. She did not have many job skills or experience. Blanca attended the Mentors International open house in Nicaragua. She became inspired when she listened to the mentors and teacher talk about becoming self-reliant and learning to manage her finances.

Blanca started her journey to greater self-reliance by enrolling in the Basic English course. She put forth the effort and practiced speaking English every chance she could.

She learned how to improve her communication and fluency skills during the course. She also learned how to manage her time, become a better student, and set personal and professional goals.

The Keystone personal development course made a profound impact on her life. The Law of 1% and using your time wisely motivated Blanca to learn a new skill. So she started learning how to give manicures.

While taking the course, Blanca started looking for a new job. She wanted to help support her family. So shortly after finishing her English course, she got a job at a local hotel, where she could use her English skills to help customers.

Blanca says that her teachers impacted her the most. They never gave up on her and encouraged her to pursue her goals, never to give up, and always do her best in everything she does.

She said: “Mentors International has made a permanent mark on my life because of the great impact that the people I met have had on me, both students and teachers. They have all helped me to continue to excel through study and continuous work.”

Blanca’s teacher said: “Blanca is a powerful and capable person, with the skills to achieve everything she proposes. In addition, she is a charismatic and dedicated person who understands what determination is.”

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