Ever was Inspired to Start his Own Business

Ever is pictured above on the left with his Mentor Jesus

Ever felt like his life was stagnant. He didn’t have a job, savings account, or any goals or direction for his future. When he started receiving mentoring from Mentors International, he began to realize how important it was to have a life plan. Slowly his attitude began to change.

This change didn’t come overnight, but slowly he started taking on more responsibility.

Ever was able to find a job in a welding shop. The work was sporadic and Ever didn’t have a steady income. The mentors and teachers with Mentors International inspired Ever to start his own business. He had the idea to start making bricks. He started watching YouTube for the best ways to make bricks.

Ever started testing and working with different materials, and then he created a machine that makes 18 bricks at a time. Next he needed a place to manufacture his bricks. Ever began working with his brother and using the area behind his brother’s house.

Ever is still developing his business and is grateful for the support and guidance from his mentor. Ever is focusing on quality and marketing. Ever is still adjusting and improving his innovative brick-making machine. His goal is to be able to sell his bricks at the local hardware stores. With Ever’s determination and hard work, we know he will achieve his goals.

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