Mission and Values2023-09-27T17:49:29-04:00

Our Mission and Values

Defining what we do and how we do it.

Our Mission and Values

Defining what we do and how we do it.

Our Mission and Values


Our Mission

Lifting generations from poverty to self-reliance and prosperity through mentoring, business and vocational training, and microfinance.

Continue reading to learn more about our values and guiding principles that have directed us over the last 33 years.

Our Mission

Lifting generations from poverty to self-reliance and prosperity through mentoring, business and vocational training, and microfinance.

Continue reading to learn more about our values and guiding principles that have directed us over the last 33 years.

Our Mission

Lifting generations from poverty to self-reliance and prosperity through mentoring, business and vocational training, and microfinance.

Continue reading to learn more about our values and guiding principles that have directed us over the last 33 years.

Our Values

Mentoring: We pair resources and training with continuous guidance, ensuring our mentees not only have the proper tools but they know how to use them.

Sustainable Self-Reliance: By providing a hand up instead of a handout, we create lasting impact rather than fleeting relief.

Accountability: Just as measured results keep us accountable to our donors, we hold our mentees accountable through mentorship and Service Currency.

Community: We empower our mentees to improve their financial situations and encourage them to do the same for others, thus strengthening the local economy as a whole.

Regionally-Based Solution: By pairing entrepreneurial expertise with local knowledge, we’re able to identify new markets while increasing the efficiency of existing ones.

Our mission and visions statements provide a foundation for our programs, services, communications, organization, and culture. They guide us in establishing our long-term direction and goals that guide our daily operations.

We are building scalable programs that will change millions of lives in measurable ways. 

Our Values

Mentoring: We pair resources and training with continuous guidance, ensuring our mentees not only have the proper tools but they know how to use them.

Sustainable Self-Reliance: By providing a hand up instead of a handout, we create lasting impact rather than fleeting relief.

Accountability: Just as measured results keep us accountable to our donors, we hold our mentees accountable through mentorship and Service Currency.

Community: We empower our mentees to improve their financial situations and encourage them to do the same for others, thus strengthening the local economy as a whole.

Regionally-Based Solution: By pairing entrepreneurial expertise with local knowledge, we’re able to identify new markets while increasing the efficiency of existing ones.

Our mission and visions statements provide a foundation for our programs, services, communications, organization, and culture. They guide us in establishing our long-term direction and goals that guide our daily operations.

We are building scalable programs that will change millions of lives in measurable ways. 

Guiding Principles

1. We believe in accountability and individual responsibility. Our method of mentoring empowers people to take action, to accept and act upon constructive feedback and to grow in greater self-reliance. Those who receive assistance, including those we mentor, then have a responsibility to help others.

2. We work in international areas of extreme poverty where resources are limited and in geographies close to our trusted network of leaders and support. We will expand only prudently from those geographies as our leadership and funding can sustainably support expansion without diluting our offering.

3. We believe in developing sustainable and trustworthy networks of international leaders and partners to further our mission. We endeavor to maintain deep roots in each area of operation.

4. We are a faith-friendly organization. We believe in the role of God and faith in making the personal changes necessary to rise above poverty. We partner with religious and faith-based groups to accomplish our work. We are not an extension or promoter of any particular religious creed.

5. We develop, train, and support in-country mentors and leaders with minimal U.S. staff. We believe in and trust the people we serve. We work with small operational teams that are fully accountable to deliver optimal results with the resources we have.

6. We focus on operational and impact excellence. Though we will promote our efforts, we are biased toward doing excellent work which speaks for itself.

7. In addition to support from generous donors, we will utilize sustainable operations that themselves generate significant, reusable funds.

Guiding Principles

1. We believe in accountability and individual responsibility. Our method of mentoring empowers people to take action, to accept and act upon constructive feedback and to grow in greater self-reliance. Those who receive assistance, including those we mentor, then have a responsibility to help others.

2. We work in international areas of extreme poverty where resources are limited and in geographies close to our trusted network of leaders and support. We will expand only prudently from those geographies as our leadership and funding can sustainably support expansion without diluting our offering.

3. We believe in developing sustainable and trustworthy networks of international leaders and partners to further our mission. We endeavor to maintain deep roots in each area of operation.

4. We are a faith-friendly organization. We believe in the role of God and faith in making the personal changes necessary to rise above poverty. We partner with religious and faith-based groups to accomplish our work. We are not an extension or promoter of any particular religious creed.

5. We develop, train, and support in-country mentors and leaders with minimal U.S. staff. We believe in and trust the people we serve. We work with small operational teams that are fully accountable to deliver optimal results with the resources we have.

6. We focus on operational and impact excellence. Though we will promote our efforts, we are biased toward doing excellent work which speaks for itself.

7. In addition to support from generous donors, we will utilize sustainable operations that themselves generate significant, reusable funds.

Guiding Principles

1. We believe in accountability and individual responsibility. Our method of mentoring empowers people to take action, to accept and act upon constructive feedback and to grow in greater self-reliance. Those who receive assistance, including those we mentor, then have a responsibility to help others.

2. We work in international areas of extreme poverty where resources are limited and in geographies close to our trusted network of leaders and support. We will expand only prudently from those geographies as our leadership and funding can sustainably support expansion without diluting our offering.

3. We believe in developing sustainable and trustworthy networks of international leaders and partners to further our mission. We endeavor to maintain deep roots in each area of operation.

4. We are a faith-friendly organization. We believe in the role of God and faith in making the personal changes necessary to rise above poverty. We partner with religious and faith-based groups to accomplish our work. We are not an extension or promoter of any particular religious creed.

5. We develop, train, and support in-country mentors and leaders with minimal U.S. staff. We believe in and trust the people we serve. We work with small operational teams that are fully accountable to deliver optimal results with the resources we have.

6. We focus on operational and impact excellence. Though we will promote our efforts, we are biased toward doing excellent work which speaks for itself.

7. In addition to support from generous donors, we will utilize sustainable operations that themselves generate significant, reusable funds.

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Mentoring Multiplier
The start of each journey to self-reliance, mentoring lays the foundation for success beyond simply increasing income. One-on-one mentoring ensures each mentee not only has the “tools” they need to succeed, but that they know how to use them.

Financial Solution
If through mentoring and training, it’s determined that a financial solution could help a mentee reach their goal of sustainable self-reliance, we provide microloans, savings accounts, insurance plans, and other financial services.

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