How You Can Make a Difference This Summer

Poverty poses numerous problems, throughout the world, every day. With limited resources, women in developing countries find access to decent education, proper nutrition, and safe living circumstances nearly impossible – and these negative side effects perpetuate into even larger problems.

Without education, many would-be successful women lack the skills needed to advance their businesses or obtain higher-paying jobs. Fortunately, Mentors International is there. Providing business training, vocational classes, and micro-loans.

As these women grow in greater self-reliance, they create jobs employing other individuals in their communities; not only changing their lives but empowering others to do the same.

Just take a look at some of these women who have already accomplished such a feat! Read their success stories!

YOU can be part of the solution to help end poverty one family at a time.

Help us in our mission to transform generational poverty into sustainable self-reliance. Your donations will continuously be felt in the lives of families today, and for generations to come.

Donate directly to Mentors International:

Or set up your own summer fundraiser

You can set up your own summer fundraising event. Any event – be it a summer cookout, golf tournament, or craft fair (the possibilities are endless) – can be turned into a fun way to raise money to help others. Simply charge a small attendance fee, or sell snacks and drinks at the event to raise funds for Mentors International. Informing your guests that their money will be used for a good cause is a sure way to make your event a success!

Click for more ideas on how to host a summer fundraiser.

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Help us Transform Generational Poverty into Sustainable Self-Reliance
Through our proven programs of personal and business development, each $1 donated creates $5 of economic impact in developing countries where we serve.