“Things were very bad. I felt alone, and I didn’t know where to turn. It was my son Yeshua who kept me going. His smile and encouragement. When the COVID-19 pandemic came I lost my job. My biggest concern was how I was going to take care of my son. He has lots of health concerns. I started selling piggy cakes and other prepared food that I made by the side of the road with my sister (pictured above). I was cleaning houses for others. I even tried selling makeup from a catalog. But I couldn’t cover all of my expenses. Very little money was coming in.
It was at this time that I learned about Mentors International and their courses. I enrolled in their Sales and Customer Service class. With the classes online, I was able to take care of my son and still participate. I listened very carefully. I took lots of notes, and I completed every assignment. I wanted to be the best student. I learned how to get rid of my fear. I learned sales and negotiation techniques and strategies.
After I completed my course I was able to find a job as an insurance salesperson. I feel more confident in my job because of what I learned from my teacher. I am applying my new job skills in my profession, and I am selling more than anyone else in my office. I am able to provide better for my son, pay for his needed medications, and make sure he is healthy.
I am still selling insurance, and I also started a side business selling surprise boxes. Little boxes filled with toys and candy for children. This business is really growing, and I am starting to save for the future. My MENTOR still comes by and checks on me to make sure that I am progressing. I know I couldn’t do it without her support.”
“I know that there will be more challenges in my life. Today I feel better prepared to face the future with the business I started, and the job I was able to get thanks to Mentors International.” Mariana from Mexico
Mariana expresses much appreciation for all the people who have supported her, also thanks to Mentors International for the opportunity she has been given to get ahead, to progress, and to improve together with her family.