Timeless Generosity

Towne Storage Gives Above and Beyond the Holiday Season

Towne Storage was featured this month on the cover of the Self-Storage Association Magazine for their generosity and commitment to giving back not just during the holiday season but year-round.

Towne Storage has been supporting Mentors International since 1997. They were impressed with Mentors International’s mission to help small business owners in developing countries expand their operations by providing mentoring, education, and microloans.

Gary Free, one of the original owners, started working with Mentors International and soon served as a board member. He and his wife Kathy became more involved, as did other people associated with Towne Storage. The ‘hand-up, not a handout’ concept is interesting and inspiring to them.

“We always keep an eye out for opportunities to help others. One area we are working on now is how to engage our staff in good causes. Helping others brings us joy, and we want our staff to experience that same joy in their lives. So giving back has become part of our company’s mission”, said Burke Bradshaw, COO of Towne Storage.

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