4 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with More Meaning this Year

How can we bring more meaning to a day?

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It is a day to celebrate love, friendship, and admiration. Every year on the 14th of February, people celebrate this day by sending gifts and messages of love and affection to partners, family, and friends.

Yet, how can we bring more meaning to a day?

You don’t have to look far to figure that one out. People need help all year long. We feel good during the holidays when we buy a gift for a needy child or serve a holiday meal at a shelter. Why stop there when you can partner with a worthy charity like Mentors International all year?

According to last year’s “Valentine’s Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey” by the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association, the annual Valentine’s Day spending reached over $21.9 billion. The average American spends around $190 on Valentine’s Day.

That is more than the cost of mentoring an individual and their family to sustainable self-reliance, and that is more than the average micro-loan.

Here are four ways to involve Mentors International to help you celebrate Valentine’s Day with more meaning this year.

1 – Instead of going out to dinner, stay in and cook a special meal for your loved ones. Consider donating the money you saved to Mentors International. The money you donate will help lift a family out of poverty allowing a mother to provide for her family for years to come.

2 – Donate to a farmer in Guatemala rather than buy a bouquet of flowers. Your donation will continue to give back as the months go by; those flowers will wilt in just a few days. Meet Ernesto. He is an optimistic entrepreneur who sets high goals and strives to improve. He has a small farm and produce stand with his wife and five children in Guatemala. His crops and business have multiplied since receiving mentoring and training from Mentors International, AND he purchased his first acre of land.

Ernesto thanks Mentors International for giving him the right help at the right time. He hopes that Mentors International will always be there to provide future loans and guidance. In addition, he wants Mentors International to know they can always trust him. Read his story.

3 – Instead of a romantic weekend away, donate and help families so they can one day own their own homes.

Cecilio and Fiol always struggled to have enough money to meet their needs. They rented a tiny home in deplorable condition and couldn’t afford the rent frequently. After receiving mentoring and training TODAY, they own their own home.

4 – Spend time with your kids this Day. Read them a story, or better yet, have them read you a story. Be grateful that your kids have the opportunity to attend school and get a quality education.

Azara was heartbroken when her oldest daughter had to drop out of school. With seven children Azar and her husband, Muhammed, struggled to pay school fees regularly and even feed their family three meals a day. Their kids were constantly in and out of school. But today, all of their children are attending school.

Erdania completed our Sales and Customer Service course and our Graphic Design Course. Then, still thirsty for more knowledge, she enrolled in our English course. She has completed all this training while improving her small pharmacy business in the Dominican Republic and caring for her four children. Read her story.

For more valentine’s day inspiration, read the moving success stories of the individuals and families we serve.

We invite you to share some love this Valentine’s Day! When you donate in the name of your Valentine, Mentors International will send them a handwritten note letting them know of your thoughtfulness. Your valentine’s donation will have a lasting impact for years to come. Much more meaningful than chocolates or flowers.

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