The Success of Clara Lopez from Honduras
“Gracias por ayudarme a ser una exitosa mujer de negocios.”
Abandoned by her parents at the age of three. Left defenseless during her childhood with no possibility of obtaining an education. In the juvenile correctional facility at the age of eleven, back on the streets later in her youth, and having survived the horror of a son that was killed, Clara Lopez affirms from the deepest part of her soul, “Grasping onto God and through Mentors Honduras, I am educating my children so they have a chance at a good life.”
“I started my business of selling mangoes and oranges for $4.50 a day. I had a friend tell me that Mentors Honduras was putting an office here in Potrerillos. They would give business training and loans to those who needed it. I was interested, and so were my friends. We decided to see what it was like. That was eight years ago. Mentors Honduras has supported me completely, we have walked together and that is why I have prospered.”
“With my first loan, I went to San Pedro Sula, to the prison where they make and sell products. I purchased hammocks, sandals, baskets, socks, wallets and other products. I invested the entire loan and worked to visit all the towns and villages nearby to sell the goods. The profit was $6000 Lempiras (about $247 USD). I could not believe I bought the hammock for $15 and sold it for $35!”
“With the profit of that investment, I decided to continue to purchase and sell goods. With a part of the earnings I obtained through the years, I have invested in the education of my children. All have been able to study and complete high school. My son has graduated college with a bachelor’s degree in computers.”
“Mentors Honduras is a great help for people like me. My economic condition has improved and I have managed to provide for the needs of my children. It has been a blessing that Mentors Honduras opened the agency in Potrerillos. I really like to listen to the training talks. In Potrerillos, Mentors Honduras has promoted the development of commercial activity. The improvement in my life is evident and I feel that I can express that I enjoy the success achieved with the support of my mentors.”
Clara Lopez has since taken in a child that was living on the street. She knows all too well that life. Through her successful business, she knows she can provide for others.