The Success of Elivia Elizabeth Ejalcon from Guatemala

“Mentors Guatemala opened the doors for me and gave me the confidence to continue moving forward. There are few institutions that focus on really helping people grow and be self-sufficient. The classes that Mentors Guatemala teaches are very helpful. They taught me the skills I needed to successfully run my business.

Mentors Guatemala trusted me and that trust allowed me to grow my business. The payment system that Mentors Guatemala has is one of the things that caught my attention the most because it gave me time to invest in my business, fulfill my responsibility at home, and with Mentors Guatemala.

I am grateful for their support and I hope to always be able to have the help of Mentors Guatemala when needed. I know that getting ahead in life is not easy. I understand that if one is honest, hard-working and responsible, goals and objectives can be achieved. I feel much more productive in my family and as a person. I have become self-sufficient and that is something I will always be grateful for. Thank you, Mentors Guatemala.” – Elvia Elizabeth Ejalcόn from Chimaltenango, Guatemala

Elvia Elizabeth Ejalcόn lives in Chimaltenango, Guatemala with her husband and their two small children. Elvia learned her families’ tradition of embroidering güipiles (colorful blouses worn by indigenous women in Guatemala). Although the embroidery is a slow elaborate process, it is rich in tradition and culture. It was difficult for Elvia to generate an income for her artistry due to lack of money to invest in the materials she needed to create the güipiles.

After attending business education classes, Elvia received her first loan. She was excited about the possibility of purchasing fabrics and threads that would enhance her business. The training and mentoring for Elvia is what really made the difference. She now knows how to track her expenses and invest her profits into growing her business.

Elvia wanted to keep progressing and working with her mentors. With her second loan she put a small shop in her home. In the shop, Elvia sold her güipiles and added other products such as baby clothes, socks, pajamas, and household utensils. Word of Elvia’s beautiful güipiles  spread and now she has requests for “made to order” products that she sells in the city center of Chimeltenango. With the growth of her business, Elvia has been able to give her family a better quality of life and support her husband with the household expenses.

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