Magdalena’s Story from Guatemala
“Over time I have increased my clientele who seek my services and products. Today with the COVID19 disease many businesses have gone out of business in Pachipac, the community where I live, but my customers continue to buy from me.
I believe it is because I sell what they need and it is exactly what I was advised by MENTORS to sell. We are moving forward little by little. Mentors International encouraged me to open a bank account, and I listened to them. TODAY my husband and I have an account where we have a little money for emergencies; TODAY, thanks to God and Mentors International we have enough for ourselves and to help other people. Those times when we did not have enough food or to buy medicines have passed thanks to them.” – Magdalena
Magdalena lives in Pachipac Guatemala. Together with her husband Pascual they run a small little grocery store. They have three children who are married and they have seven grandchildren.
She shared with us.
“I always felt the need to help provide for the well-being of my family. I tried several times to sell some products at the door of the house, but we did not sell much and we weren’t able to grow the business.
I always had the dream of being able to contribute to the economy of my home and to be able to have a better future and give to my grandchildren what my children could not have due to our lack of money.
Then one day, I heard about an organization that helped the poor with loans and classes to get ahead. After talking about it with my husband, I was encouraged to go and talk with them. It was the beginning of my new story, a story in which my dreams have come true, Mentors International has helped me dream of something greater.
I remember with gratitude the first loan I was granted by Mentors International, it was ($388 USD) with which I bought basic products to sell such as sugar, beans, rice, corn, candies, a few vegetables, soft drinks, and few other items. With this addition, we were able to have a little extra income at home and our children began to eat a little better. In the past what we ate was not enough, because we did not have the money to buy more food. This small store provided the means for a better life.
With our first profit, my MENTOR advised me to buy more items. I bought “Incaparina”, pasta, eggs, and soap. I have continued to reinvest each profit, I buy a little more and now today I see my dreams come true. Now my grandchildren always eat well, they are studying and I know with my effort and their parent’s efforts, they will be professionals and their lives will be better than mine and their parents.”
“I, Magdalena and my husband Pascual Ixmatá want to thank those people who give their donations so the dreams of others may come true. Also thanks to my MENTORS who have persevered with us and have been very fond of us.
Please continue to support Mentors International so that they can benefit others, as you have done to support us. Thank you Mentors International!!!!”