The Success of Melania Paran from the Philippines
“I want to grow my business to be more successful so that I may provide employment for others. I want to teach people to engage in business and plan for a better tomorrow. I want be an example of courage to others, and to my children. I will show them that life may be hard, but we can stand strong.”
Melania Paran is from the Philippines. She grew up in a large happy family where she was one of nine children. Her father was a fisherman and Bangka maker (a Bangka is a wooden fishing boat used for fishing and to move from island to island). Her mother was a mat weaver. It was a very humble upbringing.
As Melania grew, she learned the art of mat weaving from her mother. Melania became proficient and well known for her mat weaving.
Melania later married and along with her husband Renato have been blessed with ten children. To help sustain her family’s needs, Melania continued with her mat weaving. She was able to work from home, weaving mats and selling her finished products to direct buyers in Davao City and Digos City.
Melania was introduced to Mentors Philippines through her friend and neighbor. Prior to being involved with Mentors, Melania’s income was about $39.00 USD per week. After participating in finance and business classes, Melania has been able to increase her income to $89.00 USD per week. This additional income has helped sustain her family, and most importantly allowed for the schooling of her children.
Melania hopes that as her children grow and gain their education. That they will be self-reliant and will experience future posterity. She wants her children to be faithful to God, to live a positive life respecting others, and succeed in business.
“I want to grow my business to be more successful so that I may provide employment for others. I want to teach people to engage in business and plan for a better tomorrow. I want be an example of courage to others, and to my children. I will show them that life may be hard, but we can stand strong.”