All eight of Rita’s children have received their college degrees or are in the process of earning them.
“The cost of tuition for Junior high was only $0.50 at that time. I remember asking my mom several times if I could register for seventh grade, but her answer was always the same; “Junior high is for rich people.” One night, I felt very frustrated, and after much crying, I promised myself that when I grew up, I would make sure that my children would achieve the highest education levels.” – Rita, from Honduras
Today, Rita is called the “Legend of San Antonio” by her neighbors and friends. She is an example of hard work, dedication, and education throughout her community. Rita’s thirst for knowledge drove her to read as many books as possible. She taught herself many skills, such as cooking, sewing, planting, etc. She has taken advantage of the business training that Mentors International provides, turning these skills into several thriving enterprises.
Rita is currently sewing and selling blankets and curtains. She cultivates plants to sell and is known for making the best tacos, horchata, and pinol in town.
As a mother, she has prioritized education, and all eight of her children have received their college degrees or are in the process of earning them. Thanks to her succeeding business she was able to help support her children with their educational goals.
She has taken advantage of her mentors’ lessons and put the business principles into practice. One time, her child had trouble with an accounting class in college. Thanks to her mentor, Rita could explain how to find the cost of a product. They were surprised that their mother could help them and explain these accounting principles so clearly.
Over the last couple of years, Rita’s monthly income has grown from $100 to $580 USD. Rita’s mentor Ana, who she is pictured with above, describes Rita as a tenacious business woman with integrity and determination.