On #WorldHungerDay we recognize the millions of families that go hungry each day. As COVID-19 spreads in developing countries many do not have enough to eat.
Our mission has always been to teach people how to fish, but when there’s no fish we provide relief! In true MENTORS spirit our team in Honduras is stepping up to support and serve.
“Mentors International has always provided people with the tools that help them become self-reliant, nevertheless due to the COVID-19 crisis entire families in extreme poverty have crowded the main streets of San Pedro Sula and other main cities in the country with signs written by hand asking for help in order to buy some food. The scene is heartbreaking, the amount of families in distress have increased exponentially.
Mentors Honduras decided to do something about it, so we pack 10 pounds of sweet Potatoes in plastic bags, and drove around the streets giving them away. This small gesture is very well received.
People are living one day at a time as never before and a bag of nutritious sweet potatoes provides a ray of hope for today, and for my whole family. Even when it’s just part of a meal, it becomes very meaningful for these families in distress.
We know our efforts will never be enough, but a drop is drop and we are making a difference for a family here and for another family over there.” Otoniel Manley, Executive Director, Honduras
#COVIDcantstopgood #engageingood #mentorsinternational #liftinggenerations #bethegood #beamentor